Supporting Donors

Thanks to Our Suppporting Donors

The Southeastern Massachusetts Festival Chorus is a non-profit organization that relies on the generous support of individuals and businesses in the community to achieve its artistic goals. Through their generous gifts, our Supporting Donors help us to produce enthusiastic performances, maintain modest ticket prices, and promote the arts as a vital part of the cultural life of our community. The SMFC gratefully acknowledges the following Supporting Donors for their generous contribution.


Angel ($1,000 + Above)

In Loving Memory of Donald William Porter
Mr. Ken Mahlmeister
Pam & Ted Ten Eyck

Benefactor ($500 - $999)

Mr. & Mrs. John A.Condon
Donna & Vincent DeChellis
Deborah & Glenn Fencer
Wayne Fostin Plumbing
Ann T. & David L. Fuller
Lord Andrew & Lady Teri Kinder
Edgar Knudson
Matthew & Rachel Kodama
Lu & Vern Post
Marie Rawson
Southeastern ABA
Paul & Robyn Waters

Partner ($250 - $499)

Eric Brown
Ed & Brenda Chickering
William R. Ferry, Jr.
The Goncalves Family
Mary Kay & Brad Natho
Peter Pawelczyk & Michelle DeMello
Don & Anne Swarce
The Winkler Family

Sponsor ($100 - $249)

Michele Agostinho
Jaime Barnes
Cheryl & Paul Bowen
The Browne Family
Veronica Casey
Chapman Funerals & Cremations
Karen Christofi
Kathleen Cotton
The Couet Family
Drs. Sarah & Angela Darling
John & Judy DeChellis
The DeFilippo Family
The Diamond/VanShalkwyk Family
Paul & Janet Dooley
Linda & Ed Elliot
The Flanagan Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gagné
Jeannie Gulbranson
John & Anne Haggerty
Mocha Hamel
Thelma Hamel
Patricia Jacobson
Caitlin, Genna & Alice Komm
Ruthie & Bill LaBonte
Michelle Marra
In Memory of Jean Archer
Patricia Martin
Jack McCormick
Evelyn McGuire
Charlie Morgan
Ivonne Naranjo
Bill & Anne Neviackas
Heidi & Jose Niell
Joseph Peters
Dorothy Pickering
Roche Bros. Supermarkets
In Memory of Alice & Bill Roderick
Sandra Sprague
Kevin & Margaret Thompson
Corinne & Aram Varjabedian
Alison Wade
Cheryl Withers
Robert & Ann Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Worsham
Anonymous (3)

Patron ($50 - $99)

Brian Bailie
Ann Bennett
The Bloumbas Family
Hilda Douglas
Mrs. Lou H. Eylat
Mike Falcetano
Shari Goldstein
Kate & Ryan Granholm
The Greenberg Family
Carol & Michael Grigas in memory of Claire Appling
The Harnett Family
Albert & Maralyn Hoffman
Barbara Jensen
Laura Kessler
Fern Weisman Kurland
The Lucas Family
The Morrison Family
Douglas Rodrigues, CPA, CGMA
Cynthia Schwenzfeier
Miss Sandra Shiere
Kristen Thorup
Liz Voss

Friend ($25 - $49)

Donna Amaral
Sue Bertoncini
Frank & Kelli Brady
Beth & Mike Carter
George Darling
Sandra Darling & Jack Tamul
Maureen Devine
Theresa Entin
Mary Furtado
Jane Ginsberg
Charlotte Harrington
Paul Hayden
Patricia M. Latimer
Mark Marrandino
Patricia Morgan
Meghan O’Donnell
Jeanne Rooney
Claire Terpeny
Eloise Jacobsen Wallace

Supporter ($1 - $24)

Constance Chandler
Kat Cifuni
Susie Flinn
Linda Kaczor
Donna Webster

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